Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Joy in the Journey to Become-Art and Literature September 20

Master Class- Art and Literature September 20, 2013

Study all the following to increase your Knowledge


Autodidactic Chapter 3

Bring your sketchbook

Latin Chapters 13-19

Choose a theme for the day. Record in your notebook any time you think of that theme during the day or that it comes up in conversation, observation, or learning. (if you don’t have a theme, look over your 100 questions and pick one from there)

Write a Personal Essay ( select one specific time, moment, event in your life..recreate it in written form)

Increase your Understanding by choosing ONE from the following inspirements.Please come prepared to Teach the group about the following:

Read the rest of the Autodidactic book.Teach the class the things you learned from the rest of the book.

In Autodidactic, the author states that writing is the way to get clear thinking.Why is clear thinking important to you?What has writing done for you?Write every morning this week.Share with us what you learn.

What is truth?How can we know truth?Do a word study on the word truth or a word associated with truth. Teach us what you learn.

Read all the stories that President Uchdorf talks about in his talk.Share with us your favorite one(s) and how they taught you truth.

Become a servant of Christ by choosing ONE of the activities below to Serve others.

Learn about your own strengths and weakness’ and how you can use them to serve the Lord.Ask 10 people you know and trust to answer honestly the following questions about yourself.

What are my weaknesses, blind spots, areas for improvement?

What are my strengths, my best characteristics?

What can I do to be more effective, helpful or sensitive?

In what ways to you notice me making an impact on others?

Don’t judge their answers; accept them honestly and with introspection. How can you use what you learned? Write about it in your notebook.

Writing takes time, dedication and purpose.Make a goal how you will accomplish these three things.Find a friend or mentor who will support you in your goal and help each other to accomplish your writing goals.

Time is important. Sometimes we rush through life filling every moment with things to do.Use some of your time each day this week just to think.Seek for inspiration while you think (you can write during this exercise) What did you think about?What did you feel inspired to do?What do you need to do for yourself?What do you need to do for others?

How can you find truth? How can you share truth with other? Make a list of the ways you can find and share truth.Make a plan to do something on your list.Share with us how you are becoming.

Joy in the Journey to Become- Eureka September 13

Master Class- Eureka September 13, 2013

Study all the following to increase your Knowledge:

How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci, excerpt 2

Autodidactic Chapter 2

Latin Chapters 7-12

Read the Welcome/Introduction to Secrets of Great communicators

Read or Listen to a speech by one of your hero’s.Write down all the great things about their speech.Write down some things they could have improved about their speech.

In your notebook make a list of 100 questions that are important to you….it MUST be important to you. Write the list in one sitting, write quickly, don’t worry about spelling or grammar.Bring the list to class with you.

Increase your Understanding by choosing ONE from the following inspirements.Please come prepared to Teach the group about the following:

Why do you read?What is the purpose of reading to you? Have you realized that your education is your education?How are you going to obtain your education.Write your thoughts or a short essay to be turned in to Sister Johnson.

What books have you read that have shaped your character?Write a list.Write a short summary of the books and why they have had an impact on you.Bring the list to class.Inspire others to read some of the books on your list.

Make a list of hobbies you would like to have.Choose one and ask the following questions:How will this hobby help me?What are my goals with this hobby?What resources will I need?Do I need a teacher/mentor?How much time will I spend on this hobby?What obstacles might I encounter?How will I help others with this hobby?

Become a servant of Christ by choosing ONE of the activities below to Serve others.

What do you do in your free time?How do you spend the precious minutes of your day?For this week.write down every 15 minutes of your day and what you spend doing during each 15 minutes. Look for patterns.Where are you wasting time?What things did you get accomplished?What things didn’t you get accomplished?What did you do to serve others?What will you change about next week?

Pick a language you would like to learn.Be thoughtful and prayerful about it.What language might you need to learn to serve the Lord and serve others?Start your study!Find a book, use repetition, find an online tool, get cds from the library, do your vocabulary exercises with the new language, find people to speak it to.Get Going!

What do you spend your time talking about?Some people talk about things, some people talk about people, and some people talk about ideas.Pay attention to the conversations you have this week.What do you spend your time talking about?What do you want to spend your time talking about?How will you change this?


Joy in the Journey to Become-History September 6

Master Class- History September 6, 2013

Study all the following to increase your Knowledge

Just Like Jesus Chapter 7: Golf Game and Celery Sticks

Autodidactic Chapter 1 (some crude humor on page 32 and 33…please skip)

Latin Chapters 1-6

Make a list of all the words you don’t know from your readings and conversations this week. Look up the definition to every word. Pick one word and complete a word study. Carry around a 3X5 card with you and memorize all the words and their definitions.

Bring a copy of a magazine (The Ensign might be a good one) with you to class.

Increase your Understanding by choosing ONE from the following inspirements. Please come prepared to Teach the group about the following:

What is your goal? Brain storm every goal you can think of. Spend at least 15 minutes writing. Ideas?..spiritual goals, physical goals, emotional goals, school goals, religious goals, future goals, family goals, relationship goals. After the 15 minutes choose one goal and make a plan as to how you will accomplish this goal. Teach us what you learned and share your goal plan with the group.

Teach us one of the words from your list definition list. Why did you pick that word? How have you used that word this week? What did you learn from this exercise?

How is your curiosity? Make a list of all the things you can think of to increase your curiosity. Share the list with us in class. Pick one way and inspire us how we can use that way to become more curious.

Answer every question that Max Lucado asks in the chapter Golf Games and Celery Sticks. Bring your answers to class and share with us what you learn..

Make your own Lexicon. Share with us how you are going to do it. Bring your Lexicon to class. Teach us how/why we should make a Lexicon.

Become a servant of Christ by choosing ONE of the activities below to Serve others.

“If you don’t try, you don’t fail” Do one thing this week that you are KNOW you will fail at. If you fail, do it again. Keep doing it until you succeed. If you cannot succeed this week, congratulations…keep trying!

The author tells us on pg. 29 why he looks up words. Do you agree with his reasons? Why or why not? What are some good reasons for wanting to increase your vocabulary. Make a list. Circle all the reasons that include blessing other people lives. Pick one way you can use the things in this chapter to bless someone else. DO IT!

Do you ever pick the wrong target? Make a list of the ways that you can hit the right target. How does your mission in life align with what the Savior wants you to do.

Serve someone else…serve them for all the right reasons. Record your experience!

Joy in the Journey to Become-Leadership August 31st

Master Class-Leadership     August 31, 2010 (Saturday) Master Class Vision Evening.  4:00-7:00 pm

Youth and Parents interested in Participating in Master Class this year are invited to a Master Class Vision Evening.  The purpose of this evening is to give an overview of Master Class and inspiration to do the hard work in our lives to Become who Christ wants us to become.  Dinner provided 4:00-7:00

Study  all the following to increase your Knowledge

Read Autodidact’s Forward and Prologue

Read How to Think Like Leonardo DaVinci excerpt #1

Reach Just Like Jesus Chapter One, A Heart Like His

Read http://www.lds.org/manual/doctrine-and-covenants-student-manual/enrichments/enrichment-k-seek-learning-even-by-study-and-also-by-faith?lang=eng

Increase your Understanding by choosing ONE from the following inspirements.  Please come prepared to Teach the group about the following:

Many authors include some of their favorite quotes at the beginning of each chapter…like in Autodidactic.  Gather a collection of your favorite quotes.  Share your quotes and teach us why it is important to you. 

Make a list of all the books. Movies, magazines, media referred to in Autodidactic (hint..they are italicized)  Then rewrite the list in the order you of which sound most interesting to you.  Then rewrite the list again in the order of which you think would be most difficult to easiest.  Pick one thing from the list and make a plan to read, view, or listen to it. What did you choose and why?  How did writing and rewriting change your understanding?

Write a few of your own thoughts about why education and learning is important.  Why is education important to you now?  Why might education be important to you in the future?  How can education be used to bless others?  Bring your writing to class and share with us.

Become a servant of Christ by choosing ONE of the activities below to Serve others.

What shortcuts are you taking in your education?  What shortcuts are you taking in your relationships with others?  What shortcuts are you taking in your relationship with the Lord?  Write down your short cuts—as many as you can think of!  Make a goal.  Plan how you will overcome a shortcut.  Make a commitment.

He quotes from The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.  The quote states that the army trained with double the weight they would need in war.  This preparation was powerful.  What weight do you need to double?  Make a list of skills, talents, character attributes that you feel you will need double of to Serve the Lord.  Choose one from your list.  Do double what you think you need to do.  For example if you need to learn to cook you may choose to cook every meal this whole week.  But if you are going to double it you would cook not only for your own family but for someone else as well….do double what you think is enough.    If you need to be physically strong   (beware…doubling your weight (lbs.) could be hazardous to your health)  do double the number of weight lifting reps you have been doing…or lift until you get tired and then do 15 more—if your bench pressing it might be wise to have a spotter J! 

In John 8 :32 it states  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”  What ways will learning make you free?   How can you help others to become free as well.  How can/will you teach truth?  Write about truth and then act on your desires to spread freedom.